Dotted TriangleDotted Triangle
Triangle SVG

Vector Database REST API Specification

1. Overview

This document describes the complete REST API specification for the vector database service, supporting high-dimensional vector storage, retrieval, and similarity search with transactional guarantees.

2. Base URL and Authentication

2.1. Base Configuration

The base URL for all API endpoints is: https://host:port/vectordb

2.2. Authentication

All requests require Bearer token authentication obtained through the login endpoint.

2.2.1. Login Endpoint

Obtain authentication token for subsequent requests.

  • Method: POST
  • Path: /auth/login
  • Request Body:
    "username": "admin",
    "password": "admin",
    "pretty_print": false
  • Response: JWT token as plain text

2.2.2. Using Authentication

For all subsequent requests, include the Bearer token in the Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1...
Content-Type: application/json

3. Collections API

3.1. Collection Management

Collections are the primary containers for vectors and their metadata.

3.1.1. Create Collection

Create a new vector collection with specified configuration.

  • Method: POST
  • Path: /collections
  • Request Body:
    "name": "testdb",
    "description": "Test collection for vector database",
    "dense_vector": {
        "enabled": true,
        "auto_create_index": false,
        "dimension": 1024
    "sparse_vector": {
        "enabled": false,
        "auto_create_index": false
    "metadata_schema": null,
    "config": {
        "max_vectors": null,
        "replication_factor": null
  • Response:
    "id": "col_123",
    "name": "testdb",
    "description": "Test collection for vector database",
    "created_at": "2024-11-23T12:00:00Z"

3.1.2. Collection Configuration Fields

Table 1: Collection Creation Parameters
namestringYesUnique identifier for the collection
descriptionstringNoHuman-readable description
dense_vector.enabledbooleanYesEnables dense vector storage and operations
dense_vector.auto_create_indexbooleanYesCreates search index automatically on vector insertion
dense_vector.dimensionintegerYesDimension size for all vectors in collection
sparse_vector.enabledbooleanYesEnables sparse vector storage and operations
sparse_vector.auto_create_indexbooleanYesCreates sparse vector index automatically
metadata_schemaobjectNoJSON schema for vector metadata validation
config.max_vectorsintegerNoMaximum number of vectors allowed
config.replication_factorintegerNoNumber of replicas for high availability

3.1.3. Get Collection

Retrieve collection details and configuration.

  • Method: GET
  • Path: /collections/{collection_id}
  • Response: Same format as Create Collection response

4. Transaction API

4.1. Transaction Overview

The API implements transactions as resources, providing ACID guarantees for vector operations. This approach allows complex vector operations to be performed atomically across multiple requests while maintaining consistency.

4.2. Transaction Lifecycle

4.2.1. Transaction Creation

Initiates a new transaction context.

  • Method: POST
  • Path: /collections/{collection_name}/transactions
  • Response:
    "transaction_id": "txn_abc123",
    "created_at": "2024-11-23T12:00:00Z",
    "status": "active",
    "timeout_at": "2024-11-23T12:10:00Z"

4.2.2. Transaction Operations

Multiple vector operations can be performed within the transaction context.

  1. Vector Insertion
    • Method: POST
    • Path:/collections/{collection_name}/transactions/{transaction_id}/vectors
    • Request Body:
        "id": "vec1",
        "values": [0.1, 0.2, ...],
        "metadata": {
            "label": "example",
            "timestamp": "2024-11-23T12:00:00Z"
  2. Batch Upsert
    • Method: POST
    • Path:/collections/{collection_name}/transactions/{transaction_id}/upsert
    • Request Body:
        "vectors": [
                "id": "vec1",
                "values": [0.1, 0.2, ...],
                "metadata": {}
                "id": "vec2",
                "values": [0.3, 0.4, ...],
                "metadata": {}

4.2.3. Transaction Completion

Transactions must be explicitly completed through commit or abort.

  1. Commit Transaction
    • Method: POST
    • Path:/collections/{collection_name}/transactions/{transaction_id}/commit
    • Response: 204 No Content
  2. Abort Transaction
    • Method: POST
    • Path:/collections/{collection_name}/transactions/{transaction_id}/abort
    • Response: 204 No Content

4.3. Transaction Field References

4.3.1. Transaction Operation Fields

Table 2: Transaction Operation Parameters
transaction_idstringYesUnique transaction identifier
vectorsarrayYes*Array of vectors for batch operations
vector_db_namestringYesTarget collection name
timeoutintegerNoCustom timeout in seconds

4.3.2. Vector Fields within Transactions

Table 3: Vector Fields in Transactions
idstringYesUnique vector identifier
valuesfloat[]YesVector components (normalized -1.0 to 1.0)
metadataobjectNoAdditional vector metadata
namespacestringNoVector namespace for organization

4.4. Transaction Guarantees and Constraints

4.4.1. ACID Properties

  • Atomicity: All operations in a transaction either succeed or fail together
  • Consistency: Vector relationships and indices remain consistent
  • Isolation: Transactions are isolated from each other until commit
  • Durability: Committed changes are permanent

4.4.2. Operational Constraints

Table 4: Transaction Constraints
Max Batch Size1000Maximum vectors per batch operation
Transaction Timeout600sDefault transaction timeout
Max Active Transactions100Per collection limit
Vector DimensionFixedMust match collection configuration

5. Vector Search API

5.1. Search Operations

The search API provides efficient similarity search capabilities for vectors.

5.1.1. Basic Vector Search

  • Method: POST
  • Path: /search
  • Request Body:
    "vector_db_name": "testdb",
    "vector": [0.1, 0.2, ...],
    "k": 5,
    "include_metadata": true
  • Response:
    "RespVectorKNN": {
        "knn": [
                    "CosineSimilarity": 0.95,
                    "metadata": {
                        "label": "example"
                    "CosineSimilarity": 0.85,
                    "metadata": {
                        "label": "example2"

5.1.2. Search Parameters

Table 5: Vector Search Parameters
vector_db_namestringYes-Collection to search in
vectorfloat[]Yes-Query vector
kintegerNo10Number of nearest neighbors
include_metadatabooleanNofalseInclude vector metadata
namespacestringNodefaultVector namespace
similarity_metricstringNocosineSimilarity metric to use

6. Index Management

6.1. Index Operations

Manage search indices for vector collections.

6.1.1. Create Index

  • Method: POST
  • Path: /indexes
  • Request Body:
    "collection_name": "testdb",
    "name": "testdb_index",
    "distance_metric_type": "cosine",
    "quantization": "scalar",
    "data_type": "u8",
    "index_type": "hnsw",
    "params": {
        "num_layers": 5,
        "max_cache_size": 1000

6.1.2. Index Configuration Fields

Table 6: Index Configuration Parameters
collection_namestringYesTarget collection
namestringYesIndex identifier
distance_metric_typestringYesDistance metric (cosine, euclidean, dot)
quantizationstringYesVector quantization method
data_typestringYesVector data type
index_typestringYesIndex algorithm type
params.num_layersintegerNoHNSW number of layers
params.max_cache_sizeintegerNoMaximum cache size

7. Error Handling

7.1. Error Response Format

All API errors follow a consistent format:

    "error": {
        "code": "ERROR_CODE",
        "message": "Human readable error message",
        "details": {
            "field": "Additional error context"

7.2. Common Error Codes

Table 7: Common API Error Codes
CodeHTTP StatusDescriptionResolution
INVALID_REQUEST400Malformed requestCheck request format
UNAUTHORIZED401Invalid authenticationRefresh token
COLLECTION_NOT_FOUND404Collection doesn't existVerify collection name
TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT408Transaction expiredRetry with new transaction
DIMENSION_MISMATCH400Vector dimension incorrectCheck vector dimensions
TRANSACTION_CONFLICT409Concurrent modificationRetry transaction
INTERNAL_ERROR500Server errorContact support

8. Best Practices

8.1. Transaction Management

8.1.1. Transaction Lifecycle

  1. Create transaction before batch operations
  2. Group related operations in single transaction
  3. Keep transaction duration short
  4. Always commit or abort to release resources

8.1.2. Error Handling

  1. Implement proper error handling
  2. Abort transactions on errors
  3. Use retry logic for transient failures
  4. Monitor transaction timeouts

8.1.3. Performance Optimization

  1. Batch vector operations (100-1000 vectors)
  2. Use parallel requests for large datasets
  3. Monitor response times
  4. Index important vector fields

8.2. Vector Operations

8.2.1. Vector Normalization

  1. Normalize vectors to unit length
  2. Keep values between -1.0 and 1.0
  3. Consistent dimension across collection
  4. Handle sparse vectors efficiently

8.2.2. Search Optimization

  1. Use appropriate k values
  2. Include relevant metadata
  3. Choose proper similarity metrics
  4. Consider index parameters

9. Implementation Notes

9.1. Transaction Implementation

  • Uses MVCC (Multi-Version Concurrency Control)
  • Each transaction has isolated snapshot view
  • Two-phase commit protocol
  • Automatic rollback on failures

9.2. Vector Storage

  • Optimized for high-dimensional data
  • Efficient similarity search
  • Configurable indexing strategies
  • Metadata indexing support

9.3. Performance Considerations

  • Index build time vs query performance
  • Memory usage vs search speed
  • Transaction overhead
  • Batch operation efficiency

10. Sample Workflows

10.1. Batch Vector Insertion

# 1. Login and get token
login_response = login()
token = login_response.text

# 2. Create collection
create_collection_response = create_db(

# 3. Start transaction
transaction_response = create_transaction("testdb")
transaction_id = transaction_response["transaction_id"]

# 4. Batch insert vectors
vectors = [
        "id": f"vec_{i}",
        "values": [...],
        "metadata": {"label": f"example_{i}"}
    for i in range(100)

    upsert_in_transaction("testdb", transaction_id, vectors)
    commit_transaction("testdb", transaction_id)
except Exception as e:
    abort_transaction("testdb", transaction_id)
    raise e

10.2. Search Workflow

# 1. Prepare search vector
search_vector = [0.1, 0.2, ...]

# 2. Perform search
search_response = ann_vector(

# 3. Process results
results = search_response[1]["RespVectorKNN"]["knn"]
for vector_id, similarity in results:
    print(f"Vector {vector_id}: {similarity}")

11. API Version and Compatibility

  • Current API Version: 1.0
  • Base Path: /vectordb
  • Backwards Compatibility: Guaranteed for minor versions
  • Deprecation Policy: Minimum 6 months notice

12. Security Considerations

12.1. Authentication

  • JWT-based authentication
  • Token expiration and renewal
  • Role-based access control

12.2. Data Protection

  • TLS encryption required
  • Vector data encryption at rest
  • Secure credential handling

12.3. Access Control

  • Collection-level permissions
  • Operation-level authorization
  • Transaction isolation

13. Monitoring and Diagnostics

13.1. Available Metrics

  • Transaction success/failure rates
  • Query latency
  • Index performance
  • Resource utilization

13.2. Health Checks

  1. API endpoint health
  2. Database connectivity
  3. Index status
  4. Transaction manager status